Relay Summer 2024 Update


Greeting Relay neighbors, Boy summer is full furnace mode and not sure about your garden but mine is taking a beating. Even squirrels are seeking reprieve at the expense of our tomatoes. Make sure to check on neighbors, friends occasionally and encourage hydration. But we won’t let the heat stop us from giving you some updates.

CZMP Item 1-008 & 1-009 Update

On June 13th a few of us spoke in front of the County Council regarding the zoning request change for Keech Road and Viaduct Avenue. At this time, we have no update as to the County Council’s vote but are confident that our opposition was heard as it was in February. As the CZMP process concludes in September, I’m sure there will be an update by then with hopefully positive news.


We have an updated website. Check it out at the following address: And please extend your appreciation to JP Courneya for his tireless effort in making this happen for us. Thanks JP!!


Next General meeting will be held on Monday, Sept. 9th @ 7:30 at the Hall. Your attendance is requested. We do not plan to have the same format as in previous meetings as the agenda will focus largely on replacing the roof at the hall. We ask that members be present at this meeting to cast their important vote.


Relay weekend comes into full swing on Friday, September 20th with Wine & Cheese and concludes on Sunday, September 22nd with RELAY DAY. Our format has changed slightly from past operations regarding Relay Day. This year we decided to focus on the buckets of activities and assign in advance a lead for these buckets.

Our leads this year are as follows:

JP Courneya: Communication lead

Barbara McClung: Community based activities/outreach

Joe Sherren & Ron Padron: Adult activities

Food & Drinks: Ed Hardester

Kids Activities & Setup/Breakdown: Frank Meek

In the coming days & weeks you may be approached by these leads to assist in making Relay Day a success once again. If you have time, please consider volunteering and thank you in advance.


RIA General Meeting: Sept. 9th @ 7:30 Relay Town Hall

Senior Coffee: Sept. 10th @ 10am-12pm Relay Town Hall

Wine & Cheese: Sept. 20th Relay Town Hall

Relay Day: Sept. 22nd 12pm-4pm Relay Town Hall